Laying The Groundwork: Making Sure Your Land Is Suitable For Water Bore Construction

Having a water bore drilled on your land can have many benefits, including giving you a ready supply of water that can be drawn upon even if your main water supply cuts out. However, water bores cannot simply be dug anywhere—besides the fact that a lot of land does not have suitable aquifers for boring, many other water boring operations are cut short by unsuitable topography, difficult soil types and other problems. 

For this reason (amongst many others), calling in professional water bore drilling services to construct your bore is vital, as they will conduct land surveys and analysis to inform you precisely where (if anywhere) a water bore should be drilled on your land. Here are some of the many obstacles that can stop a water bore from being drilled effectively:

Soil composition

A water bore cannot be dug effectively if the soil in its intended location is too awkward or tough to drill through, and various obstacles to water bore drilling can lurk just under the surface of your land. Large boulders and subterranean deposits of loose gravel are particularly incompatible with effective boring—large boulders can stall or damage even the most formidable drilling rigs, while boreholes drilled in loose gravel are vulnerable to collapse and are difficult to draw water from in large quantities.

You should also consider relocating your drilling operations if the ground in your intended boring area is rich in clay or deposits of river silt. Water bores can be dug in these types of soil, but they tend to yield water slowly and in small quantities. If drilling through silt or clay is unavoidable, consider expanding the diameter of your borehole to allow more rapid water collection in the base of the bore.

Shallow water tables

You might think that owning land with a water table close to the surface would make boring for water much easier, and in many circumstances you would be right. However, a water table that lies less than a few feet from ground level can make water boring more difficult. 

A high water table causes the groundwater in your land to sit very close to the surface of your soil. In this vulnerable position, groundwater can easily intermingle with waste water from outflow pipes, agricultural processes and other unpleasant sources, contaminating your groundwater. If a bore is dug in an area with a high water table, this contaminated groundwater can seep down the bore into the aquifer that serves your borehole, causing potentially irreversible contamination of your bore.

Easily flooded areas

As a general rule, water bores are dug at or close to the lowest points on your land, as water aquifers tend to form in these locations. However, this doesn't mean you should go boring for water in the deepest valley on your land every time, as areas that frequently see flooding during the rainy season are unsuitable for bore drilling. Flooding can contaminate an aquifer in much the same way as seepage from a polluted water table, and it can also irrevocably damage drilling rigs and pumping equipment.

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